Leader: Our Belief Concerning The Bible
WE believe the Bible to be the inspired
and only infallible Word of God.
Peter 1:20-21
Our Belief Concerning God
WE believe that
Jesus was human and divine, creator and creature; God manifested in the flesh, the only person of the Godhead, the Eternal Father made visible, apart from whom there is no God.
II Corinthians 5:19. Colossians 2:9, Colossians 1:19
Leader: Our Belief Concerning The Church
WE believe in the
Blessed Hope, which is the rapture of the Church of God, which is in Christ, at His return.
St. Matthew 24:30-31, St. Luke 21:27-28
Leader: Our Belief Concerning Baptism
WE believe the
Church of God is a band of baptized believers in Christ, the only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance: faith in the precious Blood of Jesus Christ and being
baptized in water in Jesus’ name. We believe that regeneration by the Holy Ghost is absolutely essential for personal
Acts 1: 4-5, Acts 2:38-40
Leader: Our Belief Concerning Christ
WE believe that
the redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides healing for the human body in the answer to believing in prayer.
Isaiah 53:5; I Peter 2:24
Leader: Our Belief Concerning The Holy Ghost
WE believe that
the baptism in the Holy Ghost, according to Acts 2:4 is given to believers who seek for it.
Leader: Our Belief Concerning Sanctification
WE believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy Ghost, by Whose
indwelling, the Christian is enabled to live
a holy and separated life in this present world. Amen.
Titus 2:11-12, James 1:2